Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Good News!

Ali had an ultrasound on her heart yesterday and one on her brain this morning.

The ultrasound for her heart was done because Ali has a heart murmur due to patent ductus arteriosus. (which means there is a duct between the heart and the lungs that has not closed). This is a common problem in premature babies and can usually be fixed with medicine.  They are treating it with a medicine called indomethacin, which the doctor says works about 90-95% of the time. If it does not they would have to do surgery.

Ali kicking for joy because she is doing well!
The doctor also told me that the ultrasound on her brain looked good. There was no bleeding, and he said that she should develop normally and lead a normal life.

They put another IV in to give her the medicine for her heart and to give her a blood transfusion today. She will get her last dose of the medicine tomorrow, and they will monitor her heart to see if the duct closes up.

Ali with spiked hair. (probably because they washed it recently)
Jodi didn't get to go because her stomach has been bothering her, and she did not want to get Ali or any other baby in the NICU sick.

They have also placed a different light on Ali instead of the blue and orange lights since her jaundice is getting better.


  1. Yay! What a strong one she is! Go, Ali!

  2. That is great news. We are thinking about you all!!

  3. GREAT NEWS!!! i love keeping up with her on your blog.... glad to hear she's doing so well...what a strong little girl she is :) SO happy for y'all still thinking and praying for y'all!!!

  4. We love you!! We will keep praying. Love, Debbi and all the Kings

  5. This brought tears to my eyes. We love you all so much! Thank you for keeping us updated. Kathy Amador

  6. So glad she is still doing so well! Thanks for sharing everything with us. We continue to pray for your little family. Hang in there! Congratulations on your strong baby girl!!! Love, The Edmondsons

  7. She is truly a gift from our Heavenly Father! Your poignant pictures show us how tiny and what a miracle she is.
    Liz B
