Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shots?! Owwie!

Ali had a doctor's appointment today.

She gets more shots than normal kids. Because she was a preemie, she gets Synergist shots every month during RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) season which is Oct. to March.
If that isn't enough shots, she also gets her regular vaccines at 12 months, 15 months etc.

When we go to the doctor, we get called back and they take her temperature and weigh her.
Then the doctor comes in and talks to me, etc. Then she sends for the nurse.
I don't know if Ali just knows that nurse's face now or what, but said nurse came in the room and I started taking her shoes off and then her pants. That's when the tears started.
She knew what was coming, poor kid.

Hopefully she does not become to terrified of the place.

After all, she has been poked and prodded since day one at the hospital ....

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