Friday, December 10, 2010


Ali has lost alot of her fluid that she retained in the past few days. She is now 4 lbs 4.8 oz.
She is now eating 20 mL. every 3 hours.
And she eats it up very quickly.

Yesterday she started moving her mouth alot when it was time to eat.
I gave her the pacifier and she started sucking hard enough to make squeaky noises when the air passed in between her lips and the pacifier.

Ali also had a serious case of the hiccups last night. She went for about 15 minutes. Here is a sound bit of what she sounds like.

one more time.mp3


  1. Love those hiccup sounds! So cute! Ali is looking healthier every day!

  2. She is so cute! Keep your spirits up! Love you!

  3. It is SO AWESOME to see her beautiful little face! I'm so glad she's doing so well!
