Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yes... that matters most

The small and simple things were pointed out to me today.
The things that bring small tid-bits of joy.

Today, it was leaving my work with work still to be done, but leaving knowing I had done my best... and
that was alright.

It was getting 100% on a small homework assignment, but it made all the difference because it gave me confidence that I could always learn something new.

It was taking Ali outside our home for the first time to let her see me water our small cactus and see her stare at the water pouring and splashing around the plant.

All these things give me the many titles I hold: hard working claims adjuster (aka superhero), foreign language student, future occupational therapist, husband, daddy.
However, the last two are the best ones, and yes,
they matter most.

This video helped me remember it all. And I hope I always will.


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