Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another 2 oz!

Ali hit the 2 lb 10 oz mark today.
We smiled at hearing she was gaining weight.

We are still waiting to see if she will continue to improve.
When we got to the NICU today there were only 2 episodes of bradys that she had from last night's shift and this morning's shift.

However, she had another one while we were there.
She did not get her heart rate back up on her own so the nurse rubbed her stomach and her foot to stimulate her.
Along with the brady, she experienced a low blood oxygen level.
(Her face turned a little purple from it.)

We hope that she will stop having these soon, but she is having fewer and fewer of them as time passes.
Dr. Bruce hadn't made rounds this morning, so we don't know what he decided about feedings. Hopefully she can start back again soon.

Ali fast asleep.
We got to see her little eyes again today.
I think she looks more like me.
I think so too. :)


  1. So exciting to watch her grow!!! :)

  2. I'm not surprised that she looks more like Adam. I think all of our babies look more like their dads than us moms!

  3. Actually, when we were at the hospital last night the nurse said she thought Ali looks like me. :) She changes all the time though.
