Monday, November 22, 2010

A Few Steps Back

Ali now weighs 3 lbs. 3.5 oz.

Last night the nurses noticed Ali wasn't feeling very well. She started having problems keeping her oxygen levels up. She also wasn't moving around or opening her eyes; she was just laying there (like anyone would that's sick).

They began to worry about infection so they did some blood work and blood cultures.
Before the results came back they had put her back on the nasal CPAP but she was still having problems breathing, so they put her back on the ventilator.

They also went ahead and started her on antibiotics. (Over the weekend they wondered if she had an infection but the blood cultures they did kept coming back negative every day. Today the culture they started on the 19th finally came back positive so they know she does have an infection.)
When the blood work came back her hematocrit was low so they also gave her a blood transfusion during the night.

They moved her back to an open bed so they can get to her quickly when she has problems.
She has been doing well today, but she gets poked and prodded quite a bit and isn't too happy about that.

Needless to say, baby girl is sick and she's trying to get better.
She did loose her clothes privileges when she started acting up.
Today she was much more active and alert so she is already feeling a little better.

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