Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Bump in the Road

Yesterday we had to go see Ali separately due to my work schedule.

Jodi went in the morning and got to hold Ali again. I was a little jealous since I did not get to hold her last night because the nurse had just been moving Ali around and she was in a deep sleep. I didn't want to wake her up.

The nurse called us this morning and said Ali's stomach looked a little big, which could be from gas. 
She also had two bradycardias back to back. (Click here for more info on what these are.) In the NICU they call them Brady's for short. She has already had bradys before, as this is common in premature babies. The nurse said she had to stimulate her both times, but she was doing fine after that.

They are going to do some blood work and other ultrasounds today to see what the issue is before continuing with her feedings.

We will give you more updates later today from what we hear.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure they do an abdominal series if her tummy looks big--necrotizing enterocolitis is common in premies and, while potentially quite serious, far easier to treat when caught early. Best of luck to you all--we're praying for you and your family!
